Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Métis National Council President Cassidy Caron Announces Decision Not to Seek Re-Election

On Parliament Hill today, Cassidy Caron, the President of the Métis National Council (MNC since September 2021, declared that she will not seek re-election in the upcoming election slated for September 26, 2024, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Caron emphasized the transformative journey the MNC has undergone under her leadership. “When I was elected as president in September 2021, the Métis National Council needed significant rebuilding as a national Indigenous organization,” she stated. She acknowledged the substantial efforts made to revamp the organization into a transparent, accountable, and effective body. Caron highlighted her commitment to this period of change and transition from the very outset of her presidency.

During her tenure, Caron oversaw the reestablishment of relationships within the Métis Nation, with other National Indigenous Organizations such as the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), as well as with federal and provincial governments. She also noted the MNC’s renewed credibility and reputation on both national and international stages.

“We have evolved the Métis National Council into an institution that serves our Métis governments just as our original founders intended,” Caron said. She proudly spoke of embedding collaboration into all aspects of the Council’s work, addressing critical issues facing the Métis Nation, and seeking innovative solutions to socio-economic disparities. Caron also emphasized the importance of sharing the diverse stories of the Métis Nation, highlighting this as a key achievement of her administration.

As the youngest elected president of the MNC and the first woman to hold the office, Caron expressed pride in carrying forward the legacy of young Métis leaders and in reinstituting Métis women’s voices into the Council’s leadership. “Despite facing challenges similar to other women leaders in this country, I remain undeterred,” she affirmed, emphasizing the need for strong, diverse voices at all levels of leadership.

In accordance with MNC bylaws, the leadership has set the election date for her successor on September 26, 2024. Caron emphasized the importance of an orderly transition, ensuring that her early announcement allows ample time for prospective candidates to come forward and engage with the Métis governments. She reiterated her commitment to the MNC until the election and beyond, expressing confidence in leaving behind a strong, functioning, and ethical organization.

Following her announcement, Caron addressed questions from the media. When asked if recent disputes within the Métis Nation or the identity fraud summit in Winnipeg influenced her decision, she categorically denied any connection, stating, “This doesn’t have anything to do with my decision.” She acknowledged the historical and ongoing challenges within the Métis Nation but remained proud of the unifying efforts and significant milestones achieved during her tenure.

Regarding Bill C-53, Caron indicated that the future of the bill was still under discussion among Métis governments and the federal ministry of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC). She remained committed to supporting Métis governments in their pursuit of self-government during her remaining months in office.

Caron reiterated her belief in the importance of a united Métis National Council. Reflecting on the Council’s origins and the necessity of a single strong voice at the national level, she reaffirmed her stance that the MNC should continue to serve as a federation of Métis governments, focusing on common priorities and collaboration.

Regarding the identity fraud summit and recent controversies, Caron emphasized the need for identity discussions to occur at the national level, asserting the rights of Indigenous peoples to determine their identity collectively.

Looking ahead, Caron expressed her intent to remain involved with the Métis Nation in new capacities post-presidency. She extended heartfelt thanks to her family, the MNC Board of Governors, the staff, and countless Métis citizens for their support throughout her tenure.

“It has been the honor of a lifetime to serve as the president and National spokesperson for the Métis National Council and to dedicate the last three years in service to our Métis Nation,” she concluded.

As Cassidy Caron prepares to transition out of her role, her announcement marks the beginning of a new chapter for both herself and the Métis National Council, paving the way for future leadership and continued progress within the Métis Nation.

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